Thursday, May 29, 2008

Better late....

Boo had his procedure this morning and did
terrific! He'll stay there tonight too and
then I'll pick him up mid morning tomorrow.
Poor fella.

Anne & Pete had some fish delivered today for
their 120 gallon salt water tank. The first
batch of many. I went over to watch and took
some shots of the tank. They got 2 clown fish...
"nemo" fish...sooo darn cute. A crab, a star
fish, some snails and some live coral...very cool.

Gary's got men's league golf's not
very nice out...60, cloudy and a bit drizzly
at times..yuck.

I finally got my shootsac cover delivered that
I won last month...I just love it (SPLENDID is
the one I had them send out)! Thanks Vu Bui
for holding my hand through the process! And
Thanks Jessica Claire with Shootsac for selecting
me as a winner!

Oh, my sister and I hit all the garage sales
in her neighborhood, I was looking for some
props...I found this really great toboggan.
It feels like it could snow so I thought, why was only 5 bucks and it is in fabulous LLBean. Nice.
I'd like to take Owen & Reese's photos on it
this winter!!

Well, keep praying that the rain holds off for
Saturday for Amber & John...We'd all appreciate it!

One last thing...I had a visitor yesterday, her
name is Molly. She's a Shi-tzu...a very BIG girl too!

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