Sunday, September 30, 2007

rain, rain, rain...

(i prepared a late blog yesterday, be sure to
scroll down and see that one too)

i do believe that this has been the rainiest
september ever! much needed, no doubt, but
alright already!

gary's mom stopped up this morning to deliver
a cake that she used to make for him when he
was a young lad..his favorite, a lemon filled
cake with this fluffy white topping. she is
quite the baker and it looks amazing! it's his
birthday tomorrow and she wouldn't be able
to come by so she drove up from northfield
(a good hour & 1/2 round trip) so she could get
back home for the big boarder battle game
between the minnesota vikings and the green bay
packers! oh, and she repaired a pair of my
favorite jeans so she dropped those off too.
i think we'll keep her! ;)

hey, here's g & j all set to head out to the
big homecoming dance (j's first one!)
um, do they make 'em any taller!? :)

my poor brother, scott~they had to get 2 male
chihuahuas just to try to balance out the testosterone
in the house! bags, shoes, eyeliner,tampons....poor guy!

recognize elena on the left? i did her sr. portraits.


here's g & zach...color coordinated, of course!

a very soggy sunday to you all!
go vikes?

Saturday, September 29, 2007

late breaking blonde moment...

sorry this is so late. here's why...

okay, so i just figured out that my cat, hobie,
knocks my wireless router off the desk when
he hops up on the ledge after he tromps over
all my stuff. in doing so he also shoved the comcast
box in turn bumping the "internet on/off" switch.
all day saturday i was disconnecting everything and
rebooting and disconnecting and rebooting...nothing.
hmmmmm, maybe i should try the "internet on/off" button.
ya think?? man, sometimes i wonder how i've survived
45 years!

i had a pretty lazy day anyway, not much to report.
i did have some pretty rockin' shots of owen from
friday tho'. he kept trying to dodge me & the camera!

g & j had their homecoming dance tonight and i went over
to whip up g's hair and take a few photos.
i threw some big fat curls in j's hair too...such fun
those two...i'll post some images on sunday.

Friday, September 28, 2007

30 days has september...

april, june & the poem goes~
man! where has september gone?

monday is gary's birthday and as he often
does with me, i spilled the beans about his
gift last night while we sat around our fire
pit with some yummy cabernet.
now this may seem strange or come across
like we're some sort of slobs but this is
not the case. my friend, jacquie, is always
bragging about how great her cleaning lady is
and so last monday i popped over and introduced
myself and asked her if she could arrange a day
to come and do our house for my husband's
birthday! and can i just tell you that gary's
face lit up like a kid's on Christmas morning!
he wants to start preparing right away!

now, like i said, we are far from slobs but
that said, it seems that the entire house is
never clean all at the same time so gary,
being the anal one in the marriage, is just
beside himself with joy! this is not something
that he would have done on his own so i
decided that a push was in order...yay me!
clean house and happy spouse all in the same day!
thanks jacquie.

here's reggie. i played with he & lulcius
again yesterday afternoon...

lucius wouldn't behave for the camera.
what have you done to him jacquie!??
when i get close he gets up and runs away!

i'm leaving to go meet owen and kiki at a park
for their play group. i haven't seen him or
kindra in a while so in that i have a little
time this morning i'm going to join them.
and later today i'm off to the hilton to
greet 3 cancer kids for their minnesota miracle

have a great friday!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

lucius & reggie...

these two dobermans are the best of friends.
they actually have play dates!
it's so funny. they are complete and utter
buddies and i love them! such gentle giants!
lucius belongs to jacquie & scott and reggie
is ron & cindy's.

i'll be popping over to play with them a little
later on today again.

tomorrow i'm heading to the hilton for 3 families
that are checking in for a minnesota miracle
weekend. 3 families! wow!! a 5 year old boy,
an 8 year old girl and a 2 year old girl.
tony paltier is going to be there also,shooting video
this time for the foundation...he's great!
if you ever need a videographer, let me know,
i'll put you in touch with him!

saturday is homecoming for my niece's high school
and i'm going to head over to their house to
do hair and photos! what a gas that's going to be! :)

hey susan! i just ordered a gallery wrap of this image!
i can't wait to see it.
i pray it comes tomorrow, i'd hate to have to wait the
entire weekend! :)

surprise someone today!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007


things are cooling down around here.
so much so that i couldn't even keep
the window open last night!
bright blue fall sky tho'...i'll take it!

met up with greg and mary at their home
last night. we had to push the time a little
but everything worked out perfect. thanks!

big brother, mike and his wife
kindra are having a baby in early february.
i found out last night that they are having
a GIRL! yay!!
soon i'll be photographing kiki's belly! :)

more cool news, actually a cool opportunity...
my very good friend jacquie got involved with
urban ventures a little over a year ago and is
now a board member (this is going somewhere, really)...
well she usually brings her camera and covers
events but this time (next thursday), because they
want her to be at the table and not running around,
she has recommended that i be the one photographing
this event. therefore, i am going to be given the
fabulously fantastic opportunity to do this for her
and at the same time meet colin powell!! i am so
jazzed about this!! thank you jacquie!!!
here's what i'll be covering on october 4th.
(oh...and i already went over and let lucius and
reggie out today!)
here they are!


and ron & cindy's dog, reggie...

oh, here's a cool thing.
go to citykidjava and get some yummy
coffee and support a great cause...i got the
"urban renewal" gift box!!


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

another blog...

i offered and jason and stacey thon accepted.
i'm taking over our minneapolis PUG blog (listed at right).
so add this one to your list of blogs that you read.
thanks staja for trusting me with it!

i'm off to the sumner's this evening to photograph
mary (and the rest of the family for fun!) for her
upcoming article. turns out i could have popped over
there last night due to the storm that cropped up!
we'll hit it tonight.

thanks megnan anderson~clay for the lovely recommendation
(on my pictage site) to other brides! in sincerely appreciate it!

gary's birthday is right around the corner (october 1) and
i think we are golfing in a scramble tournament...whatever.
but it's for the carver fire & rescue. so i think i'll sponsor
a hole (megnan clay's husband randy is on that rescue team!).
they were first responders when my brother tim fell 4 years ago.

here's randy on our photo walk at the staion....

i received some high marks from jacquie & nancy regarging
my wedding photography yesterday and to them i just really
need to say...thank you both so much! it means a great deal
coming from the two of you..friends & colleagues.

don't worry about lucius and reggie...i'm on it!

have a blessed tuesday everyone!

Monday, September 24, 2007

recharge & reschedule...

spent the day yesterday recharging batteries
and myself. felt great!
"g" popped by for me to "FAB-up" her hair for
this weekend's homecoming~that was fun!!
we talked about the kids that were involved
in the car accident. nick called just to
make sure she got here okay.
it will be a long time before parents can
just go on about their days while their
children are out driving around.

this weekend there are many that will be
out driving around to dinners and dances
for their high school's homecomings.
if these kids can't get limos maybe the rest
of us can simply pray that they are all safe
and smart!

i was to meet up with a colleague of mine
today (stacey) but we are rescheduling as
she has a last minute meeting with a new worries!

greg & mary sumner have rescheduled for
tomorrow night instead of tonight as their
practice turns out to be a game...that'll
happen...see you tomorrow.
i'm photographing mary in their beautiful
home for an article that she has written
regarding the minnesota orchestra. their
home is a photographer's dream studio.
perfect light nearly at every turn.
can't wait to shoot there!

shall i post a photo of "g's" new hair??

just to be fair, though, i'm also going
to post one of baby girl..

thanks for blogging again jenn & grick!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

susan & glenn.

wow! what a fabulous day and what an
extraordinary opportunity i was given to
photograph susan & glenn's wedding day!
every last detail was perfect and
glenn was so proud and happy to have
his susan by his side as his wife and
susan clearly was at home in glenn's
arms. this was truly a match made in
heaven. lots of love, tears, laughter....
even a "bugie" or two to go around that
will surely be passed down through the
generations to come.

thank you susan & glenn for allowing me
to come along and photograph your wedding.
here are some teasers ;)

(megan, i hope we can work together again!)

Saturday, September 22, 2007

sad news today...

my niece, "g" got word that a friend
of her's was killed in a roll over
accident last night (the driver).
wcco is reporting that they were all
wearing seatbelts.
so far all i know is that the 2nd
girl in the car is in critical condition
and the 3rd passenger is the driver's
cousin and is paralyzed from the chest down.
not good. this all took place on county
road 40 right by my brother tim's house.

please take a moment to pray for all
the families involved as well as my
brother's as this is a sign that you
really are a parent when you have to
console your teenage daughter on a
friend's death...everyone in that house
was home and safe when i got the call.
praise Him.

on to some fun news...
i'm shooting today with megan again for
bella pictures. i just LOVE these!
a long day ahead so i must get going.

but not before i post some shots from our
girls dinner last night at campiello's
in eden prairie....yum!
sorry, when the desserts got there we
woofed them down so fast i forgot to
take photos but trust me, they were
picture worthy! (we sat in nikki's section!)
Karen & Becky gifted me with a check
last night in recognition of my dedication
to the foundation. i thought i was going
to cry. thank you so much MOMF!! :)

gotta run.

God, i lift up these families and
ask that you hold them close and make
your presence known to them.
i pray that the trauma staff is rested
and up to the challenges that they
are going to face in the days to come.
allow for family and friends to gather
quickly and safely to console and grieve
together. and God, please speak to the
other teens that were not involved...
make them see that while they are only
17, they are not invincible....
peace...& be safe.

Friday, September 21, 2007

this just in....

Crawford, Texas -- A tragic flood this morning destroyed the
personal library of President George W. Bush. The flood began in
the presidential bathroom where both books were kept. Both his
books have been lost. A Presidential spokesman said the President
was devastated, as he had almost finished coloring the second one.
The White House tried to call FEMA, but there was no answer.
(okay, so i stole this off my sister's blog...pretty funny!) :)

i'm excited to announce that i will be taking over my pug blog
giving jason & stacey thon a much needed break from even
thinking about keeping that current!
i'm going to start that soon so keep a close eye on this
one for more updates! ;)

i talked to karen fernow, executive director of the
MOMF last night at length regarding the future of my
involvement and i'm ecstatic to report that this young
organization is thriving and dependent upon all that i
can provide and i will continue to offer up all the support
that i can throughout it's growth as a non~profit foundation!
it gives me great joy and fulfillment!
i selfishly suggested that karen, becky and i
meet up at campielo's for dinner tonight so that we can discuss
upcoming events and needs of the foundation.
i'm hoping that i can talk my sister, anne into taking
over the position of "grant manager"...are you up for it??

megan (bella) is flying in this morning from chicago
for the wedding that we are shooting tomorrow.
we're gonna hook up this afternoon and go over our

minneapolis and it's surrounding suburbs experienced
some wicked storms late afternoon and early evening
yesterday. all is well in eden prairie altho' it was
the focus for quite awhile. portland at 494 was under
water, yea, SHOCKER!!!!

supposed to be a fabulous weekend.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

change is good!

black was bringing me down and to
be frank this is the time of year,
it seems, that i make changes in my
life (except my divorce in may of
'92 which just simply couldn't wait!)
besides, i wanted this to resemble
my new website that i am currently
working on changing as well.
hope you like it.

i attended the most aMAzing seminar
last night. i don't even know where
to start. this was a jam~packed
3 1/2 hour program! all about light
creatively demonstrated by clay blackmore
and some incredible photoshop wizardry
by a woman by the name of jane conner-ziser.
if you could not attend last night i
strongly recommend that you find another
city so that you not miss this opportunity!
click here and go. don't miss it!

okay, i have to share that i got
an e-mail from a bride whose wedding
i shot in august for bella. she found
me and sent me a really lovely thank you.
she discovered that i was local and
intends on sending everyone my way directly.
pretty cool! thanks nikki, you are
sincerely welcome!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

eden prairie gets dumped on...

how much rain actually fell yesterday?
i don't know but at times i could hardly
see across the street! we are certain
to have mushrooms come up in the lawn
any minute! saves me a trip to the store! ;)

i finished up elena's proofs yesterday.
here's a few more...

gearing up for a Bella wedding this saturday.
megan i are taking this one again.
here's megan working at the kelley/orehek
wedding with me on 9/8.

i must say that when i don't have a wedding
already scheduled to photograph under my own
name, i LOVE working for bella! for me, it
works. i have met and worked with some really
terrific photographers from all over and
the stuff we share like techniques and
equipment favorites etc....such fun!
i've made some lifelong friends and there
is sure to be more down the road.
and when the time comes to let it go...
i'll be okay with that too. :)
thanks bella pictures, i'm in your corner.

rescheduling with corey, my web designer,
soon so that i can make that 2008 deadline
for's all about goals right?
i'll be certain to call for a re-launch in'll be a big 'ol bash for sure!

~today? finish something you started recently!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

mario badescu...

tired of unsightly blemishes and
pimples that just invite you to pick
at them until you have to cancel out
on a fun night with your friends!?
well,if you are in your teens,
listen up..if you are in your 20's or
30's...have a seat. and if you are
like me, in your 40's and dealing'
with one form or another of adult
acne...i'm sooooo sorry!
but not anymore! this is it people!
can you hear the angels singing?? :)

i did not see this on any infomercial.
altho' that doesn't mean there isn't
one out there...
i actually think it might have been
in a recent issue of MORE magazine (?).
ANYway, it's mario badescu.
there's this little bottle that looks
like the contents have separated and
you need to shake it up...but OH NO!
you do NOT! you take a Q-tip (i like to
remove most of the cotton so as not to
waste this magic fluid of the skin Gods!)
and you dip it through the clear liquid
and pass into the pink "gunk" on the bottom.
it's weird..but when you start to get
a pimple, you just plop this on at night
and VOILA! it's just that pimple..i mean
simple!! to steal a phrase...
"the burn says it's working!"

the cleanser is nummy, and the toner is too.
i actually got a kit and it came in a nice
kelly green tote and came with a tiny
sample bag...perfect for the gym an overnite
trip....about 80 bucks with shipping and
it arrived much sooner than i expected.
and when you are desperate and count the
minutes for a package to come and it
comes early..OMG!! right ladies???! :)
so go right now and check it out.
i think i will add a special link to my
"check these out" links at the top...

i just got anne & pete's itinerary for paris.
they are going there first for pete, who
has business to attend to there and 2nd..
it's anne's birthday on the 26th of october.
lucky duck! ooo~la~la! bring me back a
real french maids costume! tee hee!
i'll be spitting my time between working
and being a mom while they are gone.
you know, like real women do. i'll get
my nieces on the bus and race back here
to work! fret about what's for dinner
and run them to soccer....UGH! what have
i agreed to!?@*@#!*! don't worry, i'll
blog so everyone is in the loop!

oh, yesterday i met julie klaasmeyer.
what a talented children's photographer
she is! my favorite is the "birthday bash"
sessions that she does.. she actually
arranged for a gal to bring in her 1 year
old and show us what she was
so sweet i thought i'd have to go to
the dentist when it was all over..
thanks julianna!

elena loves her proof slide show! yay!!
we are going to get together again so
that she can have a "wavy hair" shoot too.
looking forward to that, i think we will
get a little crazier for that one! :)

Monday, September 17, 2007

here's elena...

alright...this was my first shoot with my
new camera. i'm still fumbling with the
bells and whistles and buttons and stuff.
everything is different from my 10D.
i'm a manual gal..i like to compose in the
camera so i'll learn quickly and before
i know it i'll be able to operate it with
my eyes closed! ;)

most of today i'll be at a lecture by
julie klaasmeyer and on wednesday
evening i'll be attending a lecture by
clay blackmore & jane conner-zieser
dedicated t the memory of monte zucker.

today is tax day for some of us so i had
better get that in the mail before i head
off to see julie! :)

final touches on diane & jim's album today.
still waiting on megnan & randy clay's to
arrive (soon).
another bella wedding this saturday. i'll be
shooting with megan again. CRAZY fun, that girl!

much more tomorrow!
oh, mike & kiki, are you going to tell us
whether you are having a boy or a girl???

Sunday, September 16, 2007

a glorious sunday...

finally. i finished zach's proofs.
now it's on to elena's.
we had such a gas yesterday.
we mostly shot out at the university
of minnesota landscape arboretum.
it's really got everything!
water, bridges, fields, flowers,
fall color, spring color...
seriously, if you can find a little
nook & cranny somewhere tucked away
that no one's found then you just
don't know where to look!

3 weddings going on out there.
so, pretty much crazy busy.
however, we did arrive around 4 so
we beat the crowds for parking! :)

here's a few more of zach...

i have a tcppa lecture tomorrow pretty
much all day so i'll do my very best to
pick a couple of my favs of elena and
pop them up here tomorrow morning.

get out and enjoy this gorgeous day!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

a chilly saturday...

greetings...we are back from our stay
at the airport hilton in bloomington
(just minutes on a free shuttle to the
mall of america!).

wow! again...gary and i got the royal
treatment and were looked after like
celebrities. my man shawn anderson made
certain that we were transferred to a
penthouse room on the 12th floor where
there is a comped bar, complete with
champagne, a a breakfast filled with
everything you can much for
those 6 pounds i just lost! :(

once we checked in we returned to the
lobby and awaited our minnesota miracle
family that was due in at 5. they didn't
get there until 5:30 so eric baker
took the family on the kitchen tour right
away so they could finish that up before
their dinner rush. i decided to go along.

below...becky chepokas, mitch's mom far left.

here's eric explaining the process of collecting
minnesota's famous wild rice...he just went up
north recently on a wild rice excursion...pretty
cool, really.

here's a fun factoid!
below, in eric's left hand is wild rice you
would typically find at a super market and
in his right is some authentic, minnesota
wild rice that he actually harvested.
they ride in canoes and pass through the
rice reeds and knock it into the canoe with
those sticks he's holding...neat huh?

eric ended his magnificent tour by
giving the family one of his wildlife
photos...signed of course. and we let him
get to work.

we parted ways with the family and cranked
up the fun level by heading straight up to
the executive lounge on our floor for some
cocktails and hourdouvers.
here's shawn, me, gary & becky...

the beautiful minneapolis skyline.
my dad is buried in the fort snelling
cemetery pictured here with all the
white markers.

here's gary...sick of my camera...again!

this young a california transplant
wishing to break into the acting biz. hmmm,
perhaps he is hoping to hook up with the
cohen brothers or something???
he already models and he was fabulous at
waiting on us..thanks so much gabriel

quite needless to say, i mean i could go
on and on about this hotel and it's
fabulous staff, we had the greatest time
and we plan to make it back there often.
it's fun to just go stay at a hotel!
the yummy sheets and over the top comfortable
bed~the blue water grill! oh my God i forgot
to mention my most favorite meal in my
lifetime...a farm raised, off the coast of
hawaii, kona it is...
this was aMAZing fish!!!
eric? kudos my man! thank you so much!

this is gary's walleye with what else???
minnesota wild rice.

thank you again, shawn. you went way out
for us and i sincerely appreciate your
generousity and friendship. i'll see you soon