Monday, February 18, 2008

We had snow much fun!

The Baker clan, minus Anne, and I went to Highland
Hills yesterday to redeem my Christmas gift to them.
The girls had never skied before but Ben is an
excellent snowboarder! Emily opted to get a snowboard
and Pete, Amanda and I got skis. Then Pete popped
for private lessons for the girls and we were on
our way.....

Pete & Amanda...

Me & Amanda...

Ben & Amanda...

Check out Emily's hot instructor!! I'm going to see
if I can get a hold of him for a shoot. :)

I'll bet everyone slept really well last night!
I know I did! Thanks gang! Let's do it again before
the season is over!

(All shot with my 10D & a 90mm fixed 2.8~the 10D will
become my new "out & about"'s still great!)


Anne said...

FUN! About Emily's teacher???

Sue said...

I KNOW!!!!!!!

Anne said...

I think I want to take some snow board lessons!

Sue said...

I KNOW!!! I zoomed in on his name tag
and saw that his name is "stephen".