Saturday, February 09, 2008

Identical Twin Girls...

I got a cute e-mail from a Bride of mine the other day
and I thought I'd zip a note back asking how things
were going...I knew that shortly after her wedding,
last July, that she cut all her hair off and donated it
to Locks of Love and that she was still working on the
maternity floor at St. Francis but what I learned next
blew me away...She and Randy are expecting identical
twin girls this June! That is SO incredibly awesome!

This will undoubtedly be a crazy, busy, tiring and
blessed time for this couple and I know you will join
me in prayer for this newlywed couple and their babies
in the months to come. Thanks in advance and
CONGRATULATIONS Randy & Megnan (yes, that's spelled right!).

Later this morning I'm going to meet Sherri Carnicle
at the Eden Prairie High School for a
Clinic/Seminar on posing and NPC Athletes meeting.
I don't know really why I'm going but I will know some
of the folks there like Chris Bongiovanni
She was a client of a friend of mine "back in the day"
and Chris offered to loan me one of her suits for my
competition when mine was not arriving on time and I
was in a panic. When you spend all the time and energy
preparing for a competition like this and the thing
that keeps you from it is a teeny, tiny regulation suit
that is coming from'll do ANYthing.
Fortunately for me, mine finally arrived.
Anyway, Chris competes in NPC and I competed in NAMBAF,
which is natural body building.
WHAT? You mean to tell me that those other girls are
not natural??? :)

(funny side note...when I posted that photo of me
the other day at my competition from 11 years ago,
Amanda, my 7 year old niece said.."Oh my gosh,
someone put Sue's head on someone else's body!"
hmmm, that's funny...No Amanda, that was your aunt
Susan's photo! I'll show you the others someday
when I'm certain that it won't scar you for life!)

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