Monday, July 21, 2008

Quick note....

I'm off meet Mike (brother) in our mom's
room at St. Gertrude's and take her, via
wheelchair, to Park Nicollet (within the
same structure) where we will meet with her
stomach surgeon who will let us know what's
next for her. We are all under the impression
that she will go home today. Stay tuned
as I may update on my 'twitter' at the right.
I will also, of course, update here on my
blog later today as well.

Prayers for a homecoming today! :)

Side marks the 25th anniversary
(if you will) of my dad's death. miss you, dad.


Anne said...

Miss you too Dad.

Anonymous said...

In memory of Pat Craig, I now pronounce July 21 as "Dress Like Pat Craig Day." Feel free to wear loud plaid pants or yellow polyester softball shorts with black socks and a plain red t-shirt.

Miss you Dad.