Sunday, December 21, 2008

WOW is it COLD!

I am soooo, soooo sorry for not blogging.
Bad blogger, BAD Blogger, BAD BLOGGER!!

It is so cold here in my house this morning.
Furnace is set to 68 but it's 61. CRAZY!!!
So why is it that in like March when it's 60
we run around outside in t-shirts and shorts
and today, in my home I'm wrapped up like an
eskimo and I have to continually re-heat my
coffee? BRRRR!

I tried to wrap some gifts last night while
Gary was watching the Cowboy's vs the Ravens
but Boo had other plans. It's seriously like having
a child...I'll have to wait until he is napping!

I am going ice skating with Owen today.
I'm very excited. He's been taking lessons!

I think that Jo has decided to come up here
tomorrow...maybe Tuesday. Both Albert Lea and
here have been getting dumped on simultaneously
the past few days so 35W is quite treacherous!
I'll feel better having her drive up tomorrow.

Stay indoors if you can!

1 comment:

sandi said...

Oh my gosh... I want a cat again! This was too adorable for words. :D