Saturday, December 06, 2008

Snowy, Snowy Saturday!

Yay! I secretly love winter. Don't tell Gary.
I love the snow. I hate the bitter temps so
I simply try not to go outside when it's super-
duper cold, that's all. I hate all the wining!
"Cold enough for ya?" I'm so over that.
I've lived here, in Minnesota, all my life and
I'm not ashamed of it. There, I said it.

Every season has it's ups an downs but you can
at least throw on another layer or toss on some
slippers when you get cold or snuggle with your

Today, I have no sweetie cuz he's still in SD
but I can dress warm and stay in and decorate
the tree.

I'm finally installing Rosetta Stone Spanish
today. I'm muy, muy excited!

I just got an invite to go ice skating with my
sister so I'm going to dig out my skates!
Have a great day.....get some more shopping done!

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