Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Coleman & Franken still at it.

I awoke to a new President Elect.
At the same time I am awaiting the outcome
of the Senate race here in Minnesota.
Only about 800 votes separates Norm Coleman
and Al Franken. A re-count is imminent.

I'm really pretty excited about Barack winning
because he's going to lower taxes, end
the war, make healthcare more affordable,
decrease our dependence on foreign oil,
make our kids smarter, make college affordable,
get everyone a job, turn the economy around...
I mean, some folks are referring to him as the
"anti Christ" but I see him as the new Messiah!

Seriously, do you believe all that?

Oh well, it is what it is, right?
Let's all just get over ourselves and move forward.

I pray that this nation can come together, indeed.
I just don't know of any political figure that
got into office on his promises that actually

So, to the rest of the Austin family..."you won!"
Let the games begin!


Anne said...

No one wins in this one...
Just you wait and see.

I just read the Coleman lead is closer than 1st thought. Only 462 votes. Please Dear God NOT Franken!

Sue said...