Saturday, February 07, 2009


February 7th...
One week down. That feels good.
Not to mention the warmer temps here in MN!
41 was the official high yesterday and with the high,
thin clouds I wonder what it could have been
without them! ;)

Had a great time at the Gopher Bar yesterday.
Gary and I were joined by Mike & John H., Mike O
and Tom R. This was Mike H. and Tom's first
trip to the GB and I learned that first-timers pay
(apparently unless you have breasts!).

Gary and I later ran up to PUNCH PIZZA for our
"buy one-get one" and it was about a THOUSAND
degrees in there! Hadn't been in awhile and the
pizza was still just as awesome!

Watched Gran Torino. I sobbed.
I don't know why exactly, but I sobbed.

Well, off to the gym so I can eat at Reese's birthday
brunch later this morning! ;P

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