Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Wow. I sound like a broken record.
I just don't like it when things around
me spin out of my control. I mean, things
that I should have a handle on.

I just have this incredibly long hair day
in front of me and that means no photography.
I designed it that way, I know, it's just
that on the heels of a couple of weeks of
CRAZINESS I really wanted to buckle down
and wrap a ton of things up. I hate to say
that this will happen tomorrow cuz then it
won't, right? Well, I'm going to lock myself
in tomorrow and just go down the list.
I look forward to crossing as much off as

I feel like I haven't seen Gary much lately
yet we sat last night and watched Michael
Phelps win his history making GOLD!!
I think he and I need a night out on the
town soon.

I'll get it together in a few days.....

Here's Boo (thanks for the shot Megan!)

...and me at the "exotic petting zoo" at the
Carver County Fair! I speak goat, ya know!

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