Thursday, August 14, 2008

CRAZY Thursday!

I'm thinking of changing Boo's name to "Switch".
This little guy is so funny and he goes from
yawning to tearing around in the blink of an eye.
It's like a switch or something. Sometimes it's
not funny but most of the time he makes me laugh
out loud! (LOL for you texters!).

This morning I discovered him in the living room
laying on his back just like Hobie use to.

I've never seen another cat lay like this so
I just had to go over and give him a big 'ol

Okay, back to work.

Melissa's Sr. portraits. Drop off a CD at the
House of Fun & Fur. See Cory (Web designer) and
Get to the darn Bank!!! Bills...oh, and pick up
some laundry detergent so I can begin to work
on the PILE of laundry!

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