today is tim & laurie's 24th wedding anniversary.
happy anniversary you two!
so, now i'm on to our 3rd day on vacation...
on this day we had arranged for our theory
class on scuba diving at 8 am. then pool
practical application, then our 1 o'clock
dive. pretty exciting!
this meant that anne & jenny would spend the
first half of the day with the girls while
pete, matt, tony, ben & i got educated in
jaime (james) was our theory instructor and
roberto would be our pool & dive instructor.
james is from england and roberto is from italy.
jenny came and took photos with her camera so i
don't have any yet, but i'll get them from here
soon. ben has the video...he wanted to share
it with his dad this weekend.
emily and i got up and went to matt & jenn's
room to see if jenn still wanted to join us for
an early morning walk, so jenn & olivia, ben,
emily & i headed down to the beach.
found a bright pink jelly fish...
we saved some bread from dinner the night before
so that we could feed the fish in the morning...
emily got too much sun the day before...
here she is in her t-shirt for more protection...
and here's amanda...
ben & emily at the meeting place before we gathered
for dinner at the "bahli hai" restaurant
our chef making a volcano out of onion rings!
and pete and emily after dinner...
there were 4 specialty restaurants that you had to make
reservations for and you could only eat at each one, once.
steak (santa fe), italian (capri), seafood (?) and a
benny hana type place (bahli hai). all pretty good.
however, if you wanted some "real wine" you had to pay
extra...dumb. either BE an all inclusive or NOT!
oh, we couldn't sit together this night either.
anne, jenny, olivia & amanda ate at one table at 6,
and the rest of us ate at another table at 7.
that was they only way they could get us all in.
that's it for now...
i'll cover the next day tomorrow.
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