today, gary throws his annual "final 4" party.
no invites, everyone just shows up 'cuz everyone
knows it's taking place. we've even had some
people come from out of state!
my tulips are up about 7-8 inches...very cool.
i noticed them the other night when i was
hauling my luggage to the front door. yay!
cleaning today for the party and heading over
to owen's 2nd birthday party~brunch then back
here for last minute preparation for the bash.
somewhere between 25 & 35 people expected.
the wives taper off every year so i never know
when i might be the last woman standing here.
i'm not really a big fan of college basketball
unless the gopher's are in it (hasn't happened in
about 7 or 8 years!).
moving on.
day 2 (first FULL day) of our vacation was one
of discovery...discovery dive, that is!
all but amanda and olivia tried the pool side
scuba introduction. anne didn't care for it,
but i figured if emily can do it, so can i!
then matt, tony, ben & i signed up to do the discovery
course the next day which involved theory class
at 8 the next morning followed by about a 1/2 hour
instruction in the pool with full gear on.
we practices clearing our masks, taking our regulator
out and putting it back in and sharing air from
our partner (mine was ben!). felt good and we all
did exceptionally well so we thought why wait til
the next morning to dive...why not go at 1 the same
day, so we signed up and suited up at 1.
unfortunately, tony and i could not fully equalize
on the first dive so we had to go back to the boat
and wait for the others to finish...i was really
ben, emily & i decided to head out the first morning
and take a look around before anyone else got up.

emily got into the swing of it right away!

a nice couple passed by and we asked if they
could please take a photo of us...

anne & i ran up to visit with our "representative" to
check out all of out options in the area...
pete wants to scuba dive and the kids want to swim
with the dolphins...

back to the pool to meet everyone and get wet with
the girls!!

hotel photographers took a couple around the pool
and got some wedding too, from my chair!

ben tried the scuba intro...

then emily....

then me & anne...
here we are with rod.
ended the day with more bed jumping!!
more tomorrow...