another monday.
but in that it's april, i'll let this one go!
the sun is higher in the sky, the cardinals
are singing up a storm, my tulips are coming up,
the grass is beginning to green's spring!
thank God, it's spring!
well, where was i?
i think i'm up to day 4.
in that emily had gotten too much sun the day
before we thought it might be fun to try an
indoor project, so we headed off to the
building that offered some painting.
even tony and ben got into it!
(meanwhile, pete was off getting fully certified
in scuba with classes, videos, tests & dives)
i spent over an hour painting my little box.
bright colors...methodically chosen accents,
i was pretty proud of my little creation!
then, the guy running the operation takes them
and goes over them with the black again to
be sure that all the lines are clean and it
looked even better!
i went back over there to see how it was going
and this guy added HAIR to my sun! and made the
eyebrows now looks like a cross
between freida and eddie munster! what the @*(^$#@!!
he totally changed the look of my piece!
and he says to me... "is okay?" and i'm like,
"no!, it's not okay!" but what am i going to
do? sit and do it over?????? of course not.
so, what you see is what you get.
anne thought i was over reacting...was i???
here's olivia and amanda in a hammock...
hi are getting sooo tan!
dinner at the italian spot...
the show that night was a battle of the sexes.
the kids collected as many balloons as they could
pete, tony & i stopped off for a shot of tequila..
pete had purchased a nice bottle of tequila at the
tequilaria in the hotel so that we could stop off
and enjoy a night cap before turning in each night.
they kept in in the freezer for him and attached this note...
(no tocar = no touch!)
off to the room for more "fan games"!
this time tony & jenny joined us for the fun!
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