well, i know it's not great, but i beat my
last sunday's score by 4 strokes! i'll take it!
it was so windy! we all just kept laughing!
when they say there will be gusts up to 25 miles
an hour...at dahlgreen? it's more like 45!
tim, laurie, gary and i went out to dahlgreen
again (that's twice this week for me if anyoneis keeping track!) and so now i've officially
played more golf this week than i did all of
last year! i'm not ready for the tour or anything
but i'm having a good time and i'm learning to
play with my new pings. also notable is the fact
that i have played the same ball for both rounds!
nothin' out of bounds and not once in the water!
here's tim & laurie...

here's tim & laurie in the newly remodeled clubhouse
with owner, dave tessman...he wants me to shoot the
new interior for their website so i'll be out there
doing that soon.

ran into some friends at the turn...
this is gary with karen

and here's laurie with dan...

and tim with dan's wife, theresa...

12 tee...hefty right to left wind...an 8 iron. it's on!

same hole....gary's got some tree grief...saves for a par!

oh..by the way...i learned last night that yesterday
was scott & jacquie's 7th wedding anniversary!
bad friend. BAD FRIEND!!! happy anniversary you two!
oh, and another thing...ron doesn't think that we know...
but his wife, cindy, took him to vegas for his 50th birthday.
yea ron! we know...the jig is up guy, we know your 50!!!
alright one more thing...friday night, the springers
invited us over for a little neighborhood bon-fire...
here's some highlights....
hi molly!

here's a shot of g on a wallet with an offer
for all of her junior friends at minnetonka.
this offer goes for anyone seeking senior portraits!
just make mention that you saw it on my blog.

gerrick...nice to see you back at the blog.
hope you enjoyed your holiday
relax and praise Him today! :)
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