have you ever had the opportunity to ride
on a segway?
well...gary, my sister anne & i did on saturday!
milo, a guy we know out at dalgreen in chaska,
owns one. he has an artificial leg and loves to
hunt, golf and take his dog for a walks but it's
always been a challenge to do all 3 so he invested
in a segway and he just happened to be there on
saturday. gary was golfing and my sister anne
& i hopped in pete's porcshe and ran out there for
steve tessmans's 50th birthday celebration
where milo gave us an impromptu demonstration...i insisted!
gary hopped on first...(i brought my camera along
for steve's party)

then i handed anne my camera so i could go for a spin...

then it was anne's turn (milo wanted to swap demos
and take's pete's car for a spin....ahhhhh, no).

here's milo with gary..

it was the strangest thing i'd ever ridden on.
ya just lean forward to go and then lean back on your heels
to stop. then there is this deal on the left handle
bar that you either turn right & left to turn...so fun!
he paid about 6 grand for this one, it was a year old
and a demo...saved a couple thousand. why not!
simply can't justify a $7K toy...on a camera, yes.
thanks milo!
sunday, back to dahlgreen to play my inaugural round of '07.
met tim & laurie out there for an 11:30 tee-time.
gary did really great! saturday he bogied the last hole
for a 74! sunday, he over swung and felt something pop
and his left hand began to tingle so he quit after 9.
smart move (rotator surgery last november).
tim, laurie and i played on and my total (keep in mind that
i played 2 & 1/2 rounds last year and the last few years
only played a few times........102! not great i know, but
i was also using gary's last years ping G2's so...
i was okay with the round.
what do you think gerrick??? not bad, right!?
(oh, and by the way, dahlgreen just dumped a bunch
of money into remodeling the clubhouse, putting gps on their
all new, electrical fleet of golf carts and so much more!
it's really great! nice job guys!)
last night we took the cats out for their inaugural tour
of the outdoors. katie was a little more adventurous.

hobie (the million $ boy) prefers safety of being near
the door. i think cuz he knows there's food behind it!

going to be 70 today!!!!!
don't forget that today is tax day!
everyone join me in congratulating my sister today
on her 1 month of no smoking!! GREAT JOB ANNE!! i love you!
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