the wrens are singing, the cardinals are chiming
in as well, the sun is FINALLY out and what else
do i wake up to???? snow.
not much, but snow nonetheless. yuck.
just mother nature's way of pointing out who's boss!
highs in the 30's this week...yay!!! i love it here
in minnesota! i was hoping that by friday, for
my birthday, the temp might be the year i was born...
sadly, the temp won't even reach my age!
okay...on to the dolphins...
this was our 2nd to the last day of the trip.
we packed swimming with the dolphins in with a
quicky trip into the the town of playa del carmen.

first the bus trip to "delphinus", just north of where
we were staying. and it was a large van enough for
all 10 of us. matt, tony & i sat this one out.
someone had to take video and photos, right?!
well we got there and it looked a little like
a dolphin farm to me... a corral area and a large
circular dock with stations where they would take
each group to enter the water via some stairs.
first a little video presentation showing the groups
what they will experience and mention of all the
things that you can purchase to help you remember
your encounter with the dolphins!! $$$$$$$$$ :)
so everyone gets suited up with the proper PFD

and off you go, following your guide holding high
your group # on a stick! (so as not to get lost)
then everyone in the group enters the water and you
await instruction from the trainer.
each group had a visit by the dolphins and they
got to dance, splash & yes even sing with the dolphin!
next was pretty cool, each member of the group had
the opportunity of doing what they refer to as a
"foot push" where you lay flat in the water with your
arms out and your feet spread shoulder width apart
and 2 dolphins come up behind you and put their
nose to the arch of your foot and push you across the
arena and the force hoists you up, out of the water.
here's pete...




and even amanda!!!

emily was not interested in doing it so she stayed
back on the stairs and fed the dolphins and helped
with the hand signals..that was fine with her!

then the whole group goes out to the middle of the
water and the dolphins jump right over head!!

off to the showers to change then select some images
to purchase. there were photographers all over the
place on the docks. the wouldn't let me on the dock
but they ALL wanted my camera!!! :)
back to the hotel for a bite and a nap so we could
stay late in playa and have some fun..
first stop, the mimi! (of course) to introduce everyone
to nedi and then we hit 5th avenue to shop, eat and
drink (not necessarily in that order!)

we went to "don emilione's" and they made a table for
us right away and all 10 of us had dinner. i found
some mariachi's on the street and had them come inside
and play for the group!

the girls decided that the dolphins were no big deal so
they could tackle a couple of silly iguanas!!!

i paid the guy 10 bucks to take as many photos as i wanted.
pretty nice really. i must have taken about 20. i don't
know how many jenny took! :) we got our money's worth for sure!
everyone bought a little something and i helped tony purchase
some earrings for a friend back home by speaking spanish and
haggling a bit.
anne said "i'm not going to buy anything without you!" cuz
i made sure she got ALL of her change back!!!
sometimes they see the all inclusive bracelet and think that
you are stupid! not me! not my first time!
more music on the street...amanda & olivia danced!

back to the hotel for a tequila night cap and off to bed!

tomorrow....tulum!!! and more diving!!!
i'll be staying at my sister's the 1st week in may
while they travel to st. lucia for pete's work.
poor things.....i mean anne & pete, not amanda & emily!!!
1 comment:
Nice picture of the tequila shots! I know a certain food photographer who would like to see that!
What a trip to be sitting in my hotel room in Japan dreaming back to the lazy days of Mexico. Thanks for sending the link - it's awesome!
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