1/2 way through the day yesterday i get a call
from gary...he goes..."shit!...it's your birthday!"
and i said.."yea!...it's my birthday!"
nicki and i set out to do coffee at the dunn brother's
near my home. i'm nearly there and she calls and
says she's running late. no big deal, i told
her that i'd grab one there and then head to the
excelsior one..."great!", she says.
then she calls back and says "hey, how about we
go to jake o'connor's and i buy you a birthday
lunch instead?"...and i say "perfect, i'm starving!"
so i swing by their house, pull in to the drive,
go in and see these really cute poka dot bunny easter
egg cups and jar chatchkey thingies and i'm like
"these are adorable! where did these come from!??"
and she says.."ikea!" "the egg cups were 33 cents and
the jar was 99 cents!" and i thought, i need to have
some of these.....long story longer,
we hopped in my car, drove to ikea, had the 15 piece
meatball lunch and bought a bunch of the easter bunny
things! never made it to jake o'connor's!
another day. thanks nicki, that was maybe the most
spontaneous afternoon i've ever had! :)

told you they were cute!
i hit the dmv to renew my driver's license and
gary called while i was there...he was meeting
a couple of our friends at jake's in ep for an
early, good friday, happy hour (mike's birthday is today too)
so i buzzed over there when i was done.
from there, gary and i thought we'd go to dinner
so we drove home, changed and ron & cindy picked
us up and we went to wildfire where the wait
was about an hour so we walked down to biaggi's
and ate there instead. i had the "scrummy" sea bass!
here's ron & cindy...

the usual suspects...

my forgetful but forgiven husband...

me & rob...he's an extraordinary bartender at biaggi's!

cindy's melon~tini...made table side!

hey! we never had dessert!!!
came back to ron & cindy's where we continued the
celebrating and shot some pool.
then it was time to go home...what a day!
thanks for all the cards everyone!
i just love a mailbox full of colorful envelopes!!!
tim & laurie put a "burky's" wooden nickel in with
their card!

oh, i can't forget to mention that before i dropped
nicki off i went to nash frames in st louis park
(off 7 & woodale) and picked up two portraits that
i had them frame for me...they are gorgeous!
beautiful work. i will be using them for all my
framing for clients as well as for personal use!
pop in there sometime and tell them i sent you!
great group of people! :)
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