hospital in minneapolis to attend a training
session by the nursing staff there and meet
cheryl haggard of "now i lay me down to sleep".
the need for this organization was created out of
necessity as cheryl's son, maddox, died in 2005.
this is remembrance photography and the organization
has soared to over 1000 photographers world wide
(mostly the u.s.).
first the nurses addressed the group with helpful
advise and then answered questions from the group.
making certain that we understood what an
important role we play in the healing process of
these grieving families. (this is raquel)

then cheryl got up to speak. she was overwhelmed
by the size of the group representing minnesota
and began to cry. it's only been a couple of years
since maddox died and already this organization,
as i stated before, has grown to over 1000 volunteer
photographers world wide and is growing!

here's cheryl. i got a chance to give her a
big hug after the presentation.

this is a young organization and has already
captured interest locally. so much so that as
the founders see the need for growth such as
a director (a paid position), whcc (white house
custom colour) has agreed to pay the salary for
that position when it is filled! amazing!
i am so proud to be associated with whcc!
they are growing and doing great things!
please visit now i lay me down to sleep
and see all the magnificent things that they
are accomplishing!
i saw several of my PUG people there last night
as well as some TCPPA people. a great cause
to get behind. the nurses at abbott are amazing!
today, i will meet becky chepokas again as
we head to the hilton for another minnesota miracle
cancer family weekend. nathan walz is his name.
he's 17. his check in is a little later today due
to some procedures that he needs to have done.
i'll pass on any information
that i can regarding his condition tomorrow along
with a few photos.
gary called last night. they are having a terrific
time and the golf ain't bad either! :)
i'm hoping to connect with my brother and laurie
again this weekend to do a little golfing myself.
if you know of anyone that could use the services
of now i lay me down to sleep...please make mention
of this magnificent organization.
they won't regret it!
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