here's diane. i've known her for years!
i'm shooting her wedding celebration this
june in parker, south dakota.
we spent years growing her hair out from a
short, short, easy, carefree shape to
all one length and suddenly i didn't see
her as often. hmmmmmm.
well, she just gave me the honors of cutting
it all off so that she could donate it to
locks of love.
it was so good to see her and catch up!
she and jim were actually married in january
but it's diane's wish to have everyone out
to their new property in south dakota for
a big celebration! great idea, i'm really looking
forward to it.
here's diane before, moments after she arrived
at my home...

then i split her hair into 4 ponytails...

(see the "pureology" in the background? LOVE it!!!
it's the best shampoo and conditioner on the planet!)
here's the new diane...i told her that
she looked 20 years younger!!!!!
hey, wanted to share a few things today.
i mentioned last week that i am working with
nash frame and i thought i'd
show you two pieces...

and one last item...i'm clearly STILL not over this
yet but i just wanted to show you the finished product
once it was glazed. (on a recent trip to mexico, i painted
a cute little 2-piece jar thing and the man running the
boutique added HAIR to my sun and i was dumbfounded!)

okay, this it really the last thing...
i heard from brady yesterday. i met brady through steve
chepokas and his son's foundation. brady is connetected
with the starkey hearing foundation as well
and was looking to see if i would be available for the gala.
i told him that i already had an out of town wedding the
same day as the gala (diane's above) but i would be willing
to do other things for the foundation in the future!
so, he said that bill austin is having the celebrity party at his
home on the eve of the gala and would i be available for that....
are you KIDDING ME!!????
I answered calmly, "i would love to make myself
available to the foundation for the evening!"
i'm just waiting to talk to patricia and seal the deal!
more on that as it developes! :)
(dean, thanks for making the effort to come to california!)
jacquie, where are you?????? i have your "rangefinder" mag.
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