my sister needed a distraction from
her battle with not smoking so i
popped over there last night and
we discovered that tony bonsante was
fighting at madison square garden so
we did the 'ol pay per view and
hunkered down at her house.
unfortunately, due to an early round
head butting (accidental), tony
sustained a rather large gash in
his forehead which bled profusely
throughout the fight causing the
referee to call the fight in the 9th
because he just simply couldn't see
anymore...that's the rules i guess.
he could have taken him to!
tony looked strong and fearless.
it was fun to watch him fight again!
i told new guilty pleasure.
what a moment for fight there.
way to go tony!!!!!
well, if that weren't exciting enough...
i move on to our late night entertainment.
anne turned off the tv and came upstairs
with her right hand all wrapped up in t.p.
and said, "i need you to take me to the
hospital." and i'm like, "yea, right!"
she wasn't kidding! she showed me the gash
on her right index finger and i almost lost
it. she slid her hand along a tension curtain
rod downstairs that they have hanging to
cover all the toys under the stairs and
WHAM! she said she just knew...she didn't
even want to look.
so my mom stayed with the sleep over party
and off to waconia we went.
shift change at 11 so we had a little waiting
to do but they took us right back and got
anne admitted...
we sat for awhile and they kept putting
on wrist bands like she was on spring
break in cancun!! :)
the nurse brought the "gash cart" in...
then dr. mc dreamy wooshed open the curtain
to anne's cube and i think i can speak for anne
in that we were grateful for the shift change!!
here's anne's wound being cleaned by dr. mc dreamy..
anne's cut required 6-disolving stitches...
then the slick gauze thingy & a splint
and we were on our way.
i'm sure you are all wondering why i had my
camera along, right!? well,
i wanted to take pictures of amanda's lost tooth
and emily's haircut...that's why.
and i had it all packed up after the fight~
so i thought it would be cool to photograph
the procedure. as it turns out, dr. mc dreamy
would like copies!
scott's surgery went well also.
they sent me a pix of scott's face
as we were heading out the door for the
hospital so i took a picture with my phone
of anne's finger and sent it back!
hope you are both feeling better this morning!
happy st. patrick's day!
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