Sunday, March 04, 2007

hot~still~beautiful last day...

picture this...
this is the stillest day i have
ever experienced here!
so hot you can't even sit in your
ordered breakfast on the beach...nice!
never done that before, too windy!

glad hobbie is pooping!

nicki i'll talk to gary about having
a camera 2 at jimmy's new place in tulum!

i've got about 2 hours of beach time so i
want get back to it...

i had a case of a little sun stroke
yesterday coupled, i think, with a touch
of vertigo??? it's gone now.
only a sore throat remains...beat the
alternatives down here!

i've announced to everyone that the baker's
are coming and they all can't wait to
meet you all! hopefully we can get
into town one day.

really looking forward to our own bed!
only scott, nicki & kristin can appreciate
that one!

oh,scott..met more sand sculpture artists..
a chicken pizza aculpture and a mermaid.
not great but the guy thought i was serious
about the mimi sandsculpter invitaional!!

might be on to something there...
see you all soon.
but a 1000 pesos in the basket for me today
at westwood!!!


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