here's j before...

and here she is after...

oh, she was sooo ready to cut it off
and get a fun, new change.
i think that she has already become a
new person!!
first we washed it and dried it as per
the requirements for "locks of love".
then we divided it in 1/2, made 2 pony tails
and proceeded to cut if off one side at a time!

and now her locks are in zip lock (huh, punny!)
bags ready to be sewn into a wig for some young
gal that's lost her hair to chemotherapy.
pretty cool. nice goin' j!
oh, the grand total of hair cut off???
(they require that you measure and write
it on the outside of each bag.)
i drove j home and i stopped in for a bit
to see my brother, scott. poor baby...

he's laying low for awhile (clearly).
and his wife is counting the vicodin !
rest up scotty! we love you! call if you
need anymore movies....or gauze...or concealer!
spring begins in 2 days!~
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