minnesota gophers men's hockey team
defeated the university of north dakota
in overtime last night at the excel energy
center 3-2 to win the wcha championship trophy.
now it's on to the "frozen 4".
go gophers!
hit the car show yesterday with gary.
same 'ol~same 'ol. flashy, overloaded vehicles
with kids bouncing around in the driver's
seats so that prospective buyers can't
get a taste! it reminds me of the state
fair a little with the folks in line to get beer,
the smell of shriveling, hardening hot dogs
in the air, endlessly rotating on the cylindrical
cooker, strollers, people resting on the tailgates
of every truck and van, and folks walking around
with kia, saturn and ford bags stuffed with
brochures...but where are those dandy yard sticks!!!
girls all dressed in black reciting memorized
dialog about all the show stopping features of
the latest model...hmmm, did i leave anything out???
well, at least they weren't serving GREEN BEER!!!!
out to biaggi's with scott, jacquie, abbey, will,
and ron & cindy! fun times...then back to
ron & cindy's for a little chocolate cake and the
rest of the gopher hockey game.
then will tripped, hit my knee and then the floor~
started bleeding profusely and kept saying that
i hit him with my knee! I DID NOT!!! :)
that pretty much broke up the party~there was blood
everywhere...yet another crime scene!
i've had enough blood for one weekend!
j is coming over today after church and i'm cutting
all of her hair off! she's going to donate it to
locks of love.
she's pretty excited! i'll photograph it for sure
and post before and afters tomorrow.
here's a couple of before shots for you....

enjoy your sunday.
1 comment:
Hi Sue, Love the photo's of J I think her long curly look looks fabulous but June can't wait to see it after the cut, she thinks it will look great. Love Garrick & June
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