spring arrives today, or should i say
tonight...around 7pm!
so tomorrow will be our first FULL day
of spring! been waitin' a long time.
and in that our house faces north, we
still have snow in the front yard.
not much but when i look across the way
and see no snow in kip & susie's yard,
well, you get the picture!
now that's what i call "march madness"
on to more pressing issues.
have you gone to the pet food web site
yet to see if you are feeding your pet(s)
tainted food that can cause kidney failure?
or worse...kill your pet?
if not, drop everything you are doing and
click here to see if the food
that you are feeding your pet is on the list!
yesterday i got a call from my good friend
steve chepokas (champion of the miracles of
mitch foundation....and mitch's dad).
he asked if i would be interested in taking
part in the starkey hearing foundation's gala
this year as a primary photographer.
WHAT!!??? are you kidding??!! YES!!!!!
this would be the most incredible thing i've
ever been asked to do as a photographer.
what an opportunity.
steve got connected to starkey through his
son's foundation and has gotten pretty chummy
with the women behind the hearing foundation.
and they asked "who do you use for your photography?"
and steve said "sue austin"...yay!
well, then i went to the web site and i wanted
to throw up. diane fredeen's wedding is the same
weekend. so i bowed out of the gala and pray
that in the future i can come along side
and assist them in their cause...perhaps a missions
trip to honduras in may or nicaragua in september!
happier news...i got one of those "out of area"
calls yesterday. it was indiana! nedi's daughter,
from playa! what a surprise! she talked so fast
that i couldn't understand her. at least when
i'm there i can watch her talk and catch every
other word or so...not this time!
indiana speaks no english..only spanish.
i've taught her "i love you" and a few other
things and i've brought children's books in
english and spanish...they learn a little bit
each year.
i'm going to send a message to the mimi today
for nedi! so funny!
the magic number today is 2!
2 days until mexico.
(a client of mine sent this to me. it's the
beach in front of the hotel we are staying at.

did i mention that i contacted the hotel
and they have no wifi. i can connect from the
office at a rate of $8 per 30 minutes...i'm going
to try my darndest to blog from there but i
guess i cannot promise anything.
mexico, while still a 3rd world country,
and in some instances quite electronically
saavy, continually struggles with the right
hand not knowing what the left hand can do...
ya know? i'll know more when i get there.
have a great day!
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