all that snow we got while we were in
mexico is nearly gone! yay us!
well, i'm going to select one of mandi
& mark's engagement photos to put on my
"even cards". they are a business size
card with an image on the front directing
the guests of the wedding to the online
viewing page where they can view photos
from the wedding. pretty cool.
it's a tough choice tho', there are so
many great ones.

had lunch with anne & pete yesterday @ redstone.
thanks pete! i never meant to have you buy!
that chicken flat bread pizza is soooo good!
congrats on the no smoking, pete! great job!
never look back! enjoy the crew products.
hey, when do you open the pool?
that'll be something for anne to look forward
to towards the end of the mexico trip!
thank GOD!! it'll make leaving mexico a little
can't believe it was nearly 60 yesterday!
i actually went to the mailbox in just a
sleeveless shirt(well, and slacks too!),
point being that it's getting warmer around
here and it's nice to smell the thaw in the air!
garrick, glad the golf is going well.
gary has begun to swing clubs in the living room.
he has an arizona trip planned for the end of the
april..fountain hills. same guys he hit
bandon dunes with last april. he's excited
but nervous because he's not too certain he'll
be able to play 4 rounds in 4 days....duh!
it's been 3 & 1/2 months since his rotator
surgery. his PT is going really great.
he got yelled at yesterday however, for using
weights. he thought it was okay but the guy got
really upset with gary so now he's going too back
of just a bit. you know, always trying to push it!
few days of hair ahead of me and a tcppa class
on monday. another all day one.
oh, and i'm meeting with kelly & jeff tomorrow
evening about their october 5th wedding.
in closing today, my uncle don changes the
signature in his e-mail from time to time and
now it reads.....
"I must study politics and war that my sons
may have liberty to study mathematics and
philosophy. My sons ought to study navigation,
commerce and agriculture, in order to give
their sons a right to study painting, poetry,
music (and) architecture...."
John Adams
we're in for 1 more 50+ day today.
enjoy it.
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