i received a request yesterday
from rene @ mimi to contact a couple
regarding a wedding next winter down
there. i am in contact with jon and
will keep you posted.
the thing about destination weddings
is that i get to arrive a few days early, meet
the couple and their fiends and families,
see them on the beach, at restaurants etc...
so by the time the actual ceremony takes
place, i have become one of them, they know me
and they trust me and so it goes without saying
that the images i capture are more intimate.
it's really a fantastic, organic high!
and perhaps i get a little color while i'm there! :)
here's a couple from this trip...

i talked to a couple of coordinators down
in playa and handed out cards left & right!
if you never ask....you'll never get the work!
oh, and keep in mind that i was using my
70-200 L so i was in NO way visible or detectable
in any of these shots.
you just can't help stopping, watching and stealing
a shot or two as you pass by these strangers as
they exchange vows on this beautiful stretch of
the planet. new love, conviction of character, emotion...
it makes your heart fly!

i asked gary if he would
marry me again on the beach for our 10th!
guess i'll need a photographer or two! :)
think i could tie rings to hobie & katie's tails???
me neither!
september 2008...not a good month for the gulf coast.
but perhaps the following february!
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