Tuesday, October 14, 2008

No Cancer for Katie!

Relieved? Oh yea!
Do we have answers as to what's going on? No.
This is pretty frustrating, for everyone.
Not knowing the cause of Katie's weight loss
is making us crazy. Gary and I elected to have
MVRS keep Katie in their ICU for a couple of
days and get her on some IV fluids & nutrition.
If she rallies, then we can move on to see if
this is neurological. Best guess is that this
is a form of pancreatitis. I'll know more later
this morning, I'll give them a call and see how
she did last night and then (and I remember it
all too well) visiting hours are from noon to 4
and again from 6 to 8. I remember visiting Hobie
on Christmas Eve, twice.

Boo, on the other hand, is doing great so we
got to rule out bad cat food, which was nice!

Tonight I'm going to visit all my PUG friends
at our local PUG meeting..I haven't been in ages.
Looking forward to that. For those of you new
readers, PUG stands for "Pictage Users Group"
and they meet once a month all over the nation.
Pictage is an online partner for viewing,
buying and selling images. The photographer
uploads all of the images, clients and their
families get to view and purchase directly from
the site and Pictage does the rest. Nice.

Blog Action Day is Wednesday, October 15th.
This year's topic is "Poverty". I'm sure that
when they selected the topic, way back when,
they had no idea how much more poverty would
exist...here in America. Click on the Blog
Action icon to the right and get more information.

Thursday I get to meet Sylvia Weinstock. I'm so
excited. I love cake, I love to photograph
wedding cake...what could be better? I get to
meet her personally, do the photo op thing
and have a little private time too. I'll be
sure to share images from that as well.

Oh, I also have a secret that I cannot reveal
until Wednesday. But I'm just BURSTING!
Oh, and mom? NOT pregnant! tee hee.

One last thing...I believe that today will be
the day that my new site will go live.
It's not all FLASHY or anything..just fresh and new.
Tons of new photos. I hope you like it.

This day is going to be good.

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