Friday, October 03, 2008

Getting my lens back today.

I got home from my wedding on Saturday
without my 70-200L lens. A &17 HUNDRED dollar
lens. Sure, I felt stupid. I knew right where
I left it but it was gone. But as God would have
it, no sooner did I call Jim Werdin,
I got the call that the bride's mother had
discovered it and hung onto it. I canceled the
claim and made arrangements to go and pick it up.
Today is that day. YAY!

I have a lot to catch up on but as I go through
my day today I will do so knowing that Sarah Palin
did a FABulous job last night in her first ever
VP debate! (btw, did you all go to DEBATE DRINK
and print out the rules for last night's debate?)
I had about 20 people playing along with Gary and I!
OMG it made listening to the debate all the more
enriching! Gary thought he would add a rule and that
was "when Biden get's weepy or cries...chug a quart!"
Needless to say...we ran out of wine.
good times.

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