laura arrived to look at our
collapsed bridge and george dubya
is flying around in a helicopter
as i type to see first hand the
devastation of the wreckage.
i still can't get over it. it's so
weird. i keep watching the video
of the collapse and it's just
so, i don't know....deliberate
looking, yet there are cars on
the bridge and my God, the bus
full of does something
like this actually happen?
so much more to come on that's been reported that
it could take as much as a year
to come to some sort of conclusion
as to what actually happened.
another airport hilton visit yesterday
for a minnesota miracle. i met little
miss madelyn, age 4 (left). she brought
along her very, very best friend for
the weekend. they were so funny! and silly!

they were very excited to go swimming~!
grandma and dad and the two girls will spend
the weekend and enjoy lots of fun compliments
of the "minnesota miracle"...a division
of the "miracles of mitch" and partnered
by the airport hilton..."the hotel with a heart"!

picked up some cabernet on the way home and
sat out front with gary by the fire pit (no fire)
and slowly we started a gathering at our home.
first we were joined by all the neighbors dogs...

then some neighbors...trisha, then
ron & cindy. it was a perfect night to
sit outside! due to all the dry weather
there is a shortage of bugs!! (one nice thing
about no rain!).
FINALLY some relief in the way of rain.
woke up this morning to the sound of rain
hitting the bedroom window! hooray!
gary brought the cats into me on the bed
and headed off to paynesville to play golf
with his buddies. this is an annual event
at the koronis golf club there and they all
stay at tom & mary hendrickson's lake home
(you really can't call this place a cabin!).
got a late start today but it was nice to
lay in bed and listen to both the rain and
the cats purring next to me! :)
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