gary called me right after it happened.
i was attending the NACE outing on lake
minnetonka...we were just getting ready
to board the boat for a buz around the
lake when he called.
i grabbed the mic and made an announcement.
it was quite surreal. "what?", everyone
said...and i repeated the information that
i was given...not many televisions around
so we couldn't get a glimpse of any of it.
we all decided that we would continue on
with the event.
the good news is that i won all the big
raffle items while out on the boat.
2 separated overnight stays, one at the
bloomington sheraton and the other at
the airport hilton in bloomington.
oh, and a yummy starbuck's gift card!'
thanks NACE! i guess i'll see you next month!
here's some shots from last night...
our lovely entertainment by joy divine

chrissy peterson whipped up some
gorgeous arrangements for the event at bayview

joy with jennifer christenson, catering
sales manager at mystic lake casino.
jennifer is whom i have been in contact
with over joining NACE.

this is the group of folks from
the depot in minneapolis.

some ladies from midway party rental

left is janice from the embassy suites
airport hotel and right is barbara from
the st. paul hotel

and let's not forget about the food!

thanks to everyone at NACE for
welcoming me into the group. i had
a great time and i will be sure to make
good use of all of my winnings!
see you all very soon.
off to Starkey Labs today.
oh, here's a shot of "j" and her new do...

(just got an e-mail from all the folks
down in playa del carmen praying that
we are all okay!
thanks brenda and the gang at ajua!)
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