Wednesday, August 22, 2007

defending bella pictures...

i got an e-mail from lesa musatto,
vp of marketing at bella pictures
last night. it seems some very
hungry photographers are suffering
from "i wish i'd have thought of it
first" syndrome.

i own and operate a wedding, portrait
photography business and i shoot for
bella pictures on the side. i love
to shoot when ever i can. therefore,
if i'm asked, by bella, to photograph a
wedding i jump at the chance (when i'm
available). i've been treated fairly,
paid promptly and i have met some really
talented people along the way.
i don't understand the fuss, really.
i mean, i'm no idiot, i understand that
bella gets the credit. but, it's images
i wouldn't have, it's money i wouldn't
have made and a wedding i wouldn't have shot.
what's the harm. market yourself however
you wish...if it's unlawful, you'll have to
answer to the Big Guy!.
one last is marketing.
you either do it or...someone else will!
'nough said.

got a call from my coach (bob) today.
he likes my work. i was relieved. not that
i didn't think i did a great job, it's
just that, well, being critiqued can be
tough sometimes. he had lots of positives
and suggestions as well. i'm excited to
move forward to the 9/8 wedding.
i'm going to do a sample graphi album
of the 8/11 wedding.

i'm so ready for the sun to come back.
haven't seen it in 5's such
a downer to have the clouds and rain
hanging around for so long when we have
been experiencing such warm, sunny weather
all summer..
sorry for the late post, blogger must
have been down this morning and i got
swamped the rest of the day.

more tomorrow.

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