could NOT get to it!)
first things first...
this is kathryn from sunday morning.
she calls me "aunt sue"...i love that.
like i mentioned earlier, i've been photographing
kathryn since she was 5 months old!
she's gotten quite used to me which makes
our outings even more fun.
sunday morning her mom called and left
me a message that kathryn was sick and
that she needed to reschedule but
kathryn was set on having her photos taken~
so like a real model, she decided to
buck up and get to the shoot! i'm so glad!
she's heading off to first grade this fall.
she's really growing up fast!!
oh, and that's my reflector that she's holding
in one of the shots...she wanted to help! :)
thanks gerri & kathryn for a lovely day and
a delicious lunch!
okay, i was in desperate need of a day off
so i didn't really want to sit down to my
computer sunday. i only did so that i could
burn the Bella cds and get the cards in the
mail and back to Bella first thing today.
i really enjoyed meeting and working with
hung vu...or "vu" as he calls himself.
the 2 of us sweat off about 10 pounds on saturday!
it was a hot one! ceremony was outside on
a hill on the farm property and the reception
took place right there as well in the barn.
make no mistake, this was not your ordinary
wedding...they really pulled out all the stops
and one of the groom's sister is such a talent
with the flowers..holy cow! i gave her my card
so that she could contact me with her information.
i know people that need to know about her
talent with flowers!! inCREDible! when i get
a chance, i'm going to post a slide show
and list her contact information, she is
truly amazing! okay, i'll stop now....
okay, here's one image, i love how she took
all the gold petals out of a sunflower to
keep the green & brown theme! i know, it's
probably been done, but i just thought with
all the other flowers in the arrangement
that it all just looked stunning together!
what do YOU think?

more on the wedding when i have a bit
more time to spare...
i'm off to see jessica strickland today
for my tcppa meeting. i'm REALLY excited
to finally meet her!
gary's getting to play at hazeltine national
today (home to the PGA in 2009).
HE'S really pumped about that!!
gotta run. have a great week!
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