dee @ metropolis spa & salon at noon today.
i've had it with my non~committal medium
length hair. within an inch or 2 it's been
the same for quite some time and honestly,
i'm bored with it! so, off it goes!
i'll be sure to post a new photo!
my lab pack arrived yesterday from Bella.
Wow! this is some serious stuff.
10 cf cards...10 cds and a sheet for
all the information contained on each card
and a pack to send it all back in.
the wedding is up in north oaks and we
will begin shooting at the home and move
a couple of miles for the ceremony and
reception at the family farm...sounds
warm & wonderful doesn't it? not to mention
that it's supposed to be in the 90s again!
i'm pretty jazzed about this first Bella Pictures
wedding. hung (my lead) is going to meet
me at the home and we'll go from there.
dawn davis is looking forward to seeing
some of my images from the day so i'll be
sure to post some at some point on sunday.
still working on lauren's senior portraits.
i just love them and i'm having so much fun!
very little to do in that she is so beautiful
and mac did such a lovely job with her makeup!
it was as if i did a shoot for a major
magazine layout or something!! :)
no minnesota miracle family today...
bella wedding tomorrow, and oh, i'm
photographing kathryn tomorrow out at the
arboretum in chanhassen. this will be for
her 6th birthday. i've been photographing her
every year since she was 5 months old!
here she is at age 3...

here she is at age 4...

lastly today, i forgot to mention that
june (nicki's mum) and garrick are finally
here from the uk! can't wait to see them!
they are all heading up to lutsen for a week
then back here so gary and i can take garrick
to the air show here in eden prairie.
they were here last back in november for's always nice to have them here!

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