arrangements from my bella wedding on 8/11.
these were all prepared by one of the groom's
sisters (kada goalen)! when she contacts me
i'll pass on her contact information.
backing up a bit to my trouble with
david jay's "showit effects" program that
i mentioned a week ago or so....
FINALLY, forest carlisle and i got together
over some "fog creek copilot" program that
connects our computers (he's in santa barbara!)
so that he can see my screen.
well, mystery solved! yay! i could NOT get
that sucker installed on my CS2 or CS3 to
save my soul and it turns out it wasn't anything
i was doing or NOT doing (made me feel better!)
"showit effects" is a program of actions that
will allow me to (on the fly) take images and
quickly edit them for viewing at a reception.
i'm so anxious to do a slide show at a wedding
reception so that guests can view my work
right away! i'm sooo happy to have that working!
thanks forest! you're the best in the business!
i'm sorry, i totally forgot to mention that
my PUG (pictage users group) was having a family
picnic meeting last night in a nearby park.
what fun! we should do that all summer!
bbq, games, kids, cameras...super casual and fun!
we all got to see jason's legs! (i may never
recover from that!)
thanks jason for being the grill master all night!
here's nora...erin's daughter.

just got word last night that gary's
dad & lois are planning a trip up here!
they thought that they were done making
the long drives up here but it sounds like
they're gonna take a run at it again!
i can't wait to see them! we were down there
(arizona) last january so it's been awhile.
keep us in the loop, you two so we know the
date that you will be arriving.
safe travels!
my new lens will be here friday!!!!
Wow Sue, you got some fabulous shots from the wedding! They are beautiful. So glad you finally figured out the "showit" probs. Thanks also for all your help before and after the picnic. We are forever grateful to you, though I'm sure I will be dealing with that leg comment for many months to come! ;)
I don't know if I resent or resemble that comment about my legs?
- Jason
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