Friday, August 03, 2007

more bridge collapse images...

and no, i did not shoot these but
they are amazing images and worth sharing.

to date i do not know of anyone,
personally, that was involved in
the bridge collapse...and for that
i thank God!

well, on to the starkey event...
i picked up where raphael left off
(after the lunch break) and photographed
the first hour of dr. charles berlin's
lecture on diagnosing the need for
cochlear implants...(umm, yea...WAY over
my head! pretty interesting tho', i found
myself listening and trying to make sense
of some of the information!)

the student then broke off into other class
rooms and got into specific areas of interest.

then they all resumed in the large
auditorium for the closing and scholarship
awards. mr. bill austin arrive to hand those
awards out to some very deserving students!

everyone then had the opportunity to
change into jeans and head over to the
bowling alley for food, cocktails and
of course...bowling!!

this was a VERY energetic group!
i had a blast and so did they.
rapheal called and said they were running
the bowling photos during the breaks
today and that they were a big hit!

thanks raphael for calling on me to
help you out yesterday!

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