night over at anne & pete's for
nicki's mum & stepdad.
they head back over the big pond
later today. i promised them that
the next time i saw them it would
be in jolly old england. nicki and
are a planning a trip over. i haven't
been since scott and nicki's wedding
and that's almost 19 years! wow!
here's june & garrick....

and here's mum & daughter...

okay, blogger has gone wacko!
today it's really acting up.
first, it won't allow me to
select from all the folders on my
desk top and now that i put these
photos into a different one so it places them side by side.
good to see everyone last night!
lots of hair today.
photographing baby gavin tomorrow and
then a boat ride to dinner tomorrow
evening with friends.
i'll be photographing owen's final
cooking class on saturday moring.
yea, a cooking class...with his dad.
and yes, he's 2. how cute is that!?
i can't wait...he's sooo funny!!
dean and lois begin their trip up
on saturday as well and should arrive
by tuesday. say, do you two want to
go to the fair?? (kidding!).
our state fair begins today and runs
through labor day...yay!!!
corn dogs...oh, sorry "pronto pups",
sweet martha's choc. chip cookies,
tom thumb mini doughnuts, cows and
sweaty kids tethered to their parents
with bungy cords..what's with that!?
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