i submitted to my "PUG" group. it's kind of cool.
see the winners here.
tasha of f8 will move on to the national level
and represent our minneapolis group. go tasha!!
today gary is taking lois (his dad's wife) up
to coon rapids so she can visit her sister.
dean's going to go along and then come back
here and hang with us for the weekend then gary
will pop back up on sunday and bring lois back.
no real solid plans around here this weekend.
no cabin to rush to, no traffic to sit in,
an honestly, that sits well with me. :)
i've been requested to cover the "getting ready"
shots of the bride next saturday. this bride
(susan veltum) had discovered that she, indeed,
needs more than 6 hour coverage to be certain
that she get's what she wants...excellent choice
susan! i'll be there! so i'll be shooting for 8.
my new brochures arrived yesterday. they look
amazing..thank you whcc! top one is front and the
bottom is the back side. the front has a really
great glossy uv coating.

might go back to the fair today with mike,
kindra and owen. i hope they still want to
make the trip!
another gorgeous day on tap and looks
like this will last through the holiday
weekend. nice.
i'm going to work on gaby's images so that
i can post a slide show tomorrow.
now i lay me down to sleep is launching
a new web site soon so check out the link
under my "check these out" links in the
coming days for the fabulous changes!
give Him the glory today!