Monday, October 08, 2007

top jobs...

i saw this article yesterday and i thought
i'd pass it on in case you are thinking about
a job are the 12 jobs and why
they are indestructible. interesting.

well, now that i know some of my income is safe...
i was at a lecture last night that from
the looks of the attendance, many people missed!
too bad. bruce dorn and his wife maura dutra, who
own iDC photography, spoke about their
lives as photographers now and how it has
changed over the last 6 years as the influx of
people coming into the photography market with
digital cameras, calling themselves photographers.

how do you set yourself apart? do you study other
people's works? do you create your own works and
push yourself? i feel as though i am a blend, really.

bruce and maura are both incredibly established,
accomplished, award winning artists that held my
attention for 4, nearly straight, hours.
these are real people with real talent and again,
like most of the folks i run into in this industry,
are willing to share their experiences, ideas and
equipment designs with other professionals.

the lighting techniques that bruce shared were such
that i could begin to implement them right away with
little or no investment. i did order, from him, a
muslin reflector that i should have in a day or two.
it just bounces a softer, a tad warmer light. i'm
going to love that thing! i'll shoot some samples
when it arrives.

bruce's wife, maura dutra, is a corell painter expert!
MAN! this is crazy, fun stuff. i could really get
into that! i am an artist at heart and could really
see taking an image and transforming it into a work
of art...literally! however, gary already thinks i spend
too much time at my computer!

i've got to go and prepare 5~8x10's for print competition
critique (tonight's tcppa event). next month i will
prepare the images in 16x20 form for the actual competition.

thanks for sitting with me last night, david jones
& bjorn miesner. i'll take good notes at the liz banfield
PUG meeting on tuesday evening.

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