picture this......
all of the mid-summer flowers in bloom!
i've got a busy "hair" week ahead of me.
i'm pretty sure that i have scared some clients
away due to the success of my photography this
past year. however, i am also pretty sure that
i will be doing it on some level for a while.
i really enjoy it and one of my favorite shoots
to do is when we do hair first (color & all) and then
head out to a fun location for some great shots!
one of my nieces is interested in modeling and we
plan to get together yet this summer and do
some head shots & stuff....she's getting taller by
the minute! she'd be great at it!
i should have received my proof books of sara
yesterday...they didn't come. hopefully today.
i know that sara is excited to get that book in
her hands!
carly and dani (fraternal twin sisters), old neighbors
of mine (and friends....and hair clients!), are
graduating next spring from highschool.
dani decided to switch schools so she could further
her dance career, now their parents will be attending
two graduation ceremonies next june!
anyway, i scheduled their senior portraits yesterday
so they are off to find some cute new stuff to wear
for the shoots!
i talked to amanda today (my bride for this saturday)
and it sounds like everything is coming together!
i'm going to go ahead and observe the rehearsal
on friday afternoon. i've been to that church before,
just haven't shot a wedding there and i would like to
be better prepared for the ceremony.
i mentioned that i was going to use her & rick's
wedding for a studio sample wedding album and
that it was a new vendor and all...she is already
excited to see it! I also mentioned that a replica
album would be cheaper, in case they love it....
and they will!
oh, posted my new pricing yesterday...finally!
have a nice soggy day everyone!
p.s. jacquie, how was your 7 hour flight to raleigh?!! :)
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