picture this....
hobie in his ridiculously fabulous lion cut!
don't laugh, he loves it!!
wow, what a day yesterday. my first network meeting
as an actual member, crazy hair day in the salon and
to top it off, nancy and i ventured to oakdale last night
for the "now i lay me down to sleep" introduction
meeting at heather's home. i got home around 10:15.
2 care consulting nurses from abbott (so wonderful!),
2 couples sharing their stories and how the photographs
that were taken of their babies are helping them and their
families go through the healing process.
they shared the photographs and said that they don't
know what the would do without those photos.
i feel pretty strongly about committing myself to this
program and i'm told that it is "life altering".
i don't know what to expect, really, i just know that if
i could give that gift to someone in need........
i'm certain that God gave me this talent for a reason.
i've always known that it was more than just weddings for
me... i love weddings so don't get em wrong, i've just
felt this tugging that there was something more out there.
i have a post-it (thank you by the way, 3M) on my dash
that reads....."keep pursuing opportunities".....
so i am. i may need everyone's support on this one.
my friend nancy is going to assist me for a bit on saturday.
and for that...i am going to foil her daughter's hair!!
friends are good.
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