picture this.....
sausalito in september
the past couple of days the nice folks that report
the weather tell me that its' going to be nearly
100 degrees tomorrow. boy i hope the air at
mt olivet doesn't blow!
heat indexes the next few days are going to be
110, 105 and the like...yuck.
planning on a few pool days for sure!
and to think that when my sister and her husband
were talking about putting a pool in we all
instinctively knew that the temps wouldn't get
above 70 this summer...not true.
well, isn't that just like minnesotan to ramble on
about the weather...we are a strange lot!
emily's proof book came yesterday and it's really
my first print item i've received from pictage....
it's very nice. still waiting on sara's books.
those are going to arrive with the leather bonded
cover that i am anxious to see (for quality).
heading over to the church later today to observe
a little of the rehearsal. i talked to amanda yesterday,
she's pretty excited. found out that she has seated
me with my sister at the reception. anne's husband
is in the wedding party so he'll be at the " head table".
i found a cool song yesterday on itunes..
"take me to this place......i'm free" .
i had heard it by another artist but the one that was
available to purchase was by "Natasha Ponticelli"
i love the lyrics and hope to find out who the other
artist was....i'll keep you posted.
national night out is this coming tuesday! don't forget
to get outside and mix with your nieghbors on August 1!
we have a big party here in our yard/driveway.
the police come...my nieghbor kip comes with the
fire truck, the kids love it! food, folks & fun, right?!
have a safe weekend everyone..stay cool.
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