picture this......a world without cake.
hobie is sitting in my lap as i type. not easy by the way.
he is happy, tubeless, t-shirt-less and purring!
my neighbor, cindy, gave me an engraved stone earlier
this year that reads...."purring is smiling out loud".
i love that. thanks again cindy.
we did get the call from dr. olson and she said his
enzymes are down, but not low enough (STILL!!!)
so we'll just keep on keepin' on i guess.
kind of a lazy day today. didn't get much done.
i even popped back over to my sister's to hop in the
pool and the whole namn dieghborhood was in it!!!
90, sunny, way less humidity.
i'm figuring pictage out slowly....
when i do, it's going to be so cool. you can view
your events online and you can share your password
with friends & family so they can as well!
there is a crazy amount of products that i have
access to. i can't wait to really get into the whole
process and get good at my own workflow.
it's benji's birthday tomorrow. we kind of celebrated
on saturday but in my opinion, when you are 14, you
still have to have your own day, right?????
besides, saturday wasn't really celebratory.
i'm sure i'll head over there anyway! :)
have a good one.
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