i gotta say, when you start into something new, cool things happen.
my web designer, cory barton (www.bartondesign.com), helped
me link this blog from my website (under "links" up top )..too fun!
i'm pretty jazzed about that right now! i know that to some it may
not be a big deal, but to me? HUGE! so....yay me!! :)
i had my good friend and neighbor (jacquie), who by the way
on a side note is no slouch as a photographer herself,
anyway more on that later....i had her take some shots of me
so that when you "roll over" the word "blog" on my site, you get an image of me!
it's just that she shot in RAW and i'm having trouble converting them
to JPEGs so i'm wating on that for now.
all things considered, the shoot went well. thank you jacquie!
i also have another friend (sue) working on a post card/brochure for
me, it's done and needs to go to print...i'll try to post a photo
of that as well.
picture this......emily, (anne's oldest daughter)
and then below is another niece, gemma. she is my brother's oldest.
these are recent shots taken as their birthday presents this year
(may & june). i have family come to my home, i do their hair and then
we venture out and have a private photoshoot.....very fun! they love it!
so do i!
have a great day everyone!
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