picture this....
my sister & her husband at the reception
on saturday night in minneapolis.
i forgot to mention that i was going to be
photographing the "miracle open" for the
miracles of mitch foundation (web site at top right).
well, a record heat is expected and sunscreen
and lots of water will be manditory.
it's always a fun event and this year it is being
held at "deer run" again (like last year) out in victoria
and it is just a really great venue.
megan and her mom & i decided to scrap today's
senior portrait session due to the heat.
the plan is for outdoor portraits and it's just
a blast furnace out there, it is 85 and it's only 8 am!!
you just simply can't move around well and look
cheery when it's this hot. another date is set for
the 11th.
i will be sure to give huge discounts in the future
to the seniors that schedule their sessions in june!!!!
tomorrow is 'national night out"! are you ready? :)
we are having a picnic, games, and a food drive
on our block. we hope the fire truck shows up and
is able to run their hose....we are near a watering
ban here and who knows if they will allow for that.
this is the last day in a long string of 90-100+
degree days. thank God that's over with (for now).