Wednesday, November 08, 2006

it's finally over!

picture this...
back to chevy truck ads again!!

i am just baffled...why do so
many politicians have such
horrid photos of themselves???
i mean, really..some were downright
scary, dmv-ish and sex offender like!
you know, i can only help if you ask!!!!!

glad t-paw got in for another term!
we'll see what happens these next couple
of years leading up to the presidential election.
i look forward to seeing all the democrats
fix everything like they promised! (right)

do what you can, get help for what you can't
pat your team on the back when you get
something done and praise them for a
job well done no matter what the outcome.
no one wants to lose....OR suck.....EVER.

enjoy a political ad free couple of years!

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