Monday, November 20, 2006

the brittish are coming!!!!

picture this...
tomorrow at this time, nicki's
mum & gary will be about 3 hours
outside of minneapolis!
they will be joining our family
for their first thanksgiving ever!
boy, are they in for a treat!
i wonder if they have been
practicing reciting "pumpkin pie"?!

i popped by to drop off my nieces
enlargements that she selected from
her shoot earlier this month and they
are now prominently displayed up
on the mantle.
put a few more foils in both of the
girls hair, making one darker and the
other lighter....they were surprised and

caught just a glimpse of the viking's
game yesterday....they were up 13-10...
not for long...i had to shut it off.

doing some hair tonight to make up
for the thursday evening that i will miss.

i'm excited for thursday! it's also supposed
to be almost 60 degrees!!! pretty crazy!

kindra, i'm working on moving my friday
appointments so that i can join you guys
on your tree hunt! can't wait!! :)

i've been putting up an artificial tree for
years now. maybe it's time to get a real one.
wonder how the cats would behave?????

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