picture this....
2 girls with clean teeth, new cute hair
(that is no longer green), fresh mani/pedi
AND their mom & dad tomorrow night.
they are just a little excited!
(emily's manicurist had a shirt on that
read "australia"!! ) :)

a total girl day yesterday...
hair and nails! i rather like that "turbo nails"
in chan, they were very kind and gentle with
the girls as they had never had manicures
or pedicures before.
i had explained to them before we got there
that these ladies speak another language and
that they would not be able to understand
them, emily didn't seem to care much while
we were there but amanda just looked concerned
and was listening to every word. a little
culture lesson for them both!
and great fingers and toes to boot!!

oh, very important news for the day...
emily's 4th grade open house is tonight..
i'm going to race home and take her ( i hope!)
(amanda got her own mail yesterday!
i hollered to her next door and she came
running, soooo excited. she's been
wanting to get her own mail "her whole life!"
"everyone gets mail except me!" she keeps
saying everyday with a pouty lower lip
and a stop of the foot (anyone can picture that!)
it was her bus schedule (kindergarden), YAY!
she wanted to show it to christopher and nicole
next door! so cute!...her own mail!)
i am off to go to work today while my
sister's friend jenny watches the girls
for the day.
i can't even imagine working and having
a house to run with 3 kids. i'm only
in charge of 2 and my MOTHER is doing
the laundry and dishes!! wow!
anne, i applaud you and all the moms
around the world that are afforded the
opportunity to be at home with their
children! i love to watch them everyday.
from the-crawl up and cuddle in my lap-
every morning to the prayers they say
each night, to the songs that amanda
sings at night in the foyer around the
carpet to music, to trying to decide
between cheese tortillas for lunch,
pancakes for dinner, graham cracker cereal
on the weekends and popcorn lunches.
i've really enjoyed myself here with
these girls of yours. :) i love them.
(seriously, i can't wait to get back to
the gym!!!)
we'll i'd better get on the road, gotta head
east with the rest of the penguins! :)
enjoy your last day in fiji anne & pete.
see you tomorrow night!
we love you and miss you and can't wait
to see you! have an uneventful fligh! :)
call us when you get into LA.
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