a picture perfect day for a triathlon!
there was no threat of rain and the sun
came out early...it was awsome!
thanks for all of your prayers!
please join us next year!

jordan dahlke (below) raised $9,000 this year!
he has been the top fundraiser each year!

the race starts with swimming....

then they transition to biking....

and finish up with the run......

what amazes me each year is the dedication,
determination and guts that these kids display
for this event and all for the fun of it! they all
know that they aren't there to "win"
(in the traditional sense). but they are all aware
of why they are there....to race for kids who can't.
that's the motto of this triathlon... and it
resinates throughout the park with so much
20 cancer families attended this year. past
present and future recipients of funds raised at
events put on by the foundation.
below are "mitch's VIPs" in attendance..

the next event will be the 2nd annual
"Minnesota Miracle" put on at & by the
Airport Hilton New Years Eve.
don't miss this one. go to the site for more
be sure to watch for next years triathlon.
we'll see ya there!
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