more of megan...all done!
they'll be up sometime mid morning
on wednesday!

my friend jacquie is wondering if i'm okay
cuz i post so late everyday. no, i'm fine!
just busy i guess and also i sometimes have
to choose between going to the gym in the
morning or sitting and sending off a note.
if i want to continue to eat m&m's, i need to
get to the gym! okay, nuff said.
another tuesday of hair.
inbetween clients i managed to go through
a great many of megan's portraits.
I'll ftp them over night tonight.
so megan, that just means that by
wednesday late morning, you should be
notified that you can view you images! yay!!
as for alex, whose portraits i shot tonight,
i may need at least the weekend to prepare
them to be uploaded to be
patient. i'll post a photo of alex in the morning.
poor alex, her friends missed her so much tonight
that her cell phone nearly ran out of battery
just texting her the while time we were shooting!
too cute! actually, gorgeous is more the word
i would use to describe alex.
alex chose to have a few shots taken at the end
of her shoot in a pink floyd t-shirt that belonged
to her uncle joe who died a month ago yesterday.
it was quite large, but we made it work..i may
post that one! :)
you were terrific tonight alex..nice job!
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